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Fitness: Relax For a Better Run During Pace Tempo Training Sessions

Last month, I wrote about different types of aerobic training. Today, I wanted to share one of my most recent Pace Tempo workout.

While working on my treadmill today, I somehow found myself struggling during my Pace Tempo workout. I decided to work at a 7:30 mile pace for as long as I can with 1 minute rest periods. This was definitely a 30 second pace faster than my normal workload. I'm not sure what prompted me to make that decision, but it was a good idea at the time.

I felt great during the first two work cycles. When I got to the third work cycle, I started to get a bit light headed. To prevent from being a gym injury, I decided to end the work cycle early. During the following rest period, I asked myself if my technique was off. The next couple of work cycles, I realized I wasn't pumping my arms. This meant that I was expending a lot of with my legs which lead to quicker fatigue. Near the end of my workout, I felt like I had corrected my mechanics. As I was finishing up the current work cycle, one of the gym rats I've come to associate with snuck up behind me and told me to relax.

-Ego check time-

Rather than asking him to stop, I figured I'd listen to his advice. The treadmill read 1.70 miles and I really wanted to get to 2 miles. Even though I felt gassed from the current work cycle, I also didn't want to punk out.

"Relax," he repeats to me. Now I am thinking to myself, "Dude....I might just fall out and get launched off the treadmill." But I don't want to punk out. I quickly realized that my shoulders were shrugged.

"There you go, you're at 1.75, just a quarter mile left," he calmly says. At this point, I am gasping for air. The only reason I kept going was because I no longer felt dizzy or light headed. Before I realized it, I'm at 1.95 miles. My lungs are burning, I'm audibly gasping for air.

"Relax your shoulders... let your arms swing naturally... You're almost there!" I hit the 2 mile mark and continue for another .05 miles before I decided to hit cool down.

I don't remember the last time I felt so gassed, but so satisfied after a run. It had to have been a sense of pride, but the science of aerobic training should get a lot of credit here. As long as your muscles are contracted, you're using up energy and oxygen. By tensing additional muscle groups that are counter productive in a run, the necessary energy resources are being depleted faster than expected. To prevent that from happening, you just need to relax. So keep in tuned with your body!!! It is possible to maintain a faster pace for longer time periods simply by relaxing.

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Adam Palisoc
Martial Artist
Personal Trainer

As a martial arts practitioner and fitness enthusiast, I decided that it was time to take my passion to the next level. I am a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association(NSCA) as well as a martial arts instructor at Amalgam Martial Academy. 

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