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Who I am


I'm a dedicated martial arts practitioner for over a decade. My formal training consists of Northern Shaolin Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Modern Day Arnis, Wushu, and Modern Day Arnis. In addition to my formal training, I have a vested interest in learning about all the various martial arts created throughout the world. Through my extreme curiousity, I have also "sampled" the basic concepts/princples of: Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu Jiustu, Jeet Kune Do, Tae Kwon Do, Escrima, and Krav Maga.


In addition to my martial arts training, I am a veteran of the United States Army National Guard. Leading and training soldiers for military missions has lead me to pursue personal training as another means of income. It has inspired me to formerly pursue a certification in Personal Training while being a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association(NSCA). Due to my NSCA membership, I am able to keep up to date with the most up to date fitness trends and studies.


Why I do this


Positive mentorship is something I think the world needs in greater supply. This means giving the right information and the best available options to allow growth for other people seeking general improvement. I have a passion for teaching and developing others.  This blog allows me an additional avenue to inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle through martial arts and fitness.



Suburban Warrior Fitness 


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Get in touch // Tel: 630-336-2326 //
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